Kitsoft`s entry into the Italian IT services market
Дата випуску :
Автор(и) :
Andrusyk Vladyslav
Анотація :
The aim of the thesis is to theoretically substantiate and develop practical
recommendations for Kitsoft's IT products for the Italian market of IT services for
government, business and citizens in the post-war globalization of Ukraine's economy
and the international economic crisis.
recommendations for Kitsoft's IT products for the Italian market of IT services for
government, business and citizens in the post-war globalization of Ukraine's economy
and the international economic crisis.
Бібліографічний опис :
Andrusyk V. Kitsoft`s entry into the Italian IT services market : master thesis : 075 Marketing / Vladyslav Andrusyk. - Kyiv, 2022. - 85 р.
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